Edited Journal
Vol. 15/2023 — "Philosophy of Language"
Vol. 14/2022 — "Constructivism" Vol. 13/2021 — "Political Philosophy" Vol. 12/2020 — "Kant and Neo-Kantianism" Vol. 11/2019 — "Aesthetics" Vol. 10/2018 — "Philosophy of Religion" Vol. 9/2017 — "Philosophy of Science" Vol. 8/2016 — "Kant and German Idealism" Vol. 7/2015 — "Kant and Empiricism" Vol. 6/2014 — "Kant and Rationalism" Vol. 5/2013 — "Kant and Contemporary Theory of Knowledge" Vol. 4/2012 — "Kant and Contemporary Moral Philosophy" Vol. 3/2011 — "Anthropology" Vol. 2/2010 — "Metaphysics" Vol. 1/2009 — "Teleology" |
Edited Book Series
Edited Volumes
Join, or Die – Philosophical Foundations of Federalism, De Gruyter 2016
Papers (selection)
2024. Le problème du critère sceptique dans la Phénoménologie de l’esprit de Hegel. In Le Critère sceptique. Approches anciennes et modernes. Paris, France: Classiques Garnier. doi:10.48611/isbn.978-2-406-17042-6.p.0157
2023. Two models of critique of metaphysics: Kant and Hegel. In Metaphysics as a Science in Classical German Philosophy. Routledge.
2023. Material Dependence and Kant’s Refutation of Idealism. Topoi : an International Review of Philosophy. doi:10.1007/s11245-022-09837-7
2023. Self-knowledge and the problem of existence. Studi Kantiani, XXXV, 189-197. doi:10.19272/202202901012
2021. Kant and the forms of realism. Synthese. doi:10.1007/s11229-019-02502-4.
2021. Kant's supposed realism about things-in-themselves. In C. Serck-Hanssen, Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress ‘The Court of Reason’ (Oslo, 6-9 August 2019) (pp. 515-523). Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter.
2021. Hegel’s Philosophy of Philosophy. In L. Illetterati, The Relevance of Hegel’s Concept of Philosophy: From Classical German Philosophy to Contemporary Metaphilosophy. Bloomsbury.
2020. Response to my critics: In defense of Kant’s aesthetic nonconceptualism. Con-Textos Kantianos: International Journal of Philosophy, (12), 173-190. doi:10.5281/zenodo.4304075.
2019. Die Lehre vom Wesen: Die Erscheinung. Hegel-Studien (Beiheft) 325-386.
2019. Hegel: Ein Rationalist? International Yearbook of German Idealism, 235-264.
2018. Philosophy as a Kind of Scepticism. In D. Machuca (Ed.), Skepticism: From Antiquity to the Present. London, United Kingdom: BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC.
2018. Der Raum ist kein empirischer Begriff. Zu Kants erstem Raumargument. Con-Textos Kantianos: International Journal of Philosophy, 7, 19-43. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1298468
2017. Diskursivität und Einheit des Bewusstseins bei Kant. Kant-Studien. 197 (Erg.-Heft), 11-31.
2017. FINALITÉ ET HISTORICITÉ DE LA RAISON DANS LA PHILOSOPHIE DE L’HISTOIRE DE KANT. In L'Année 1784. Droit et Philosophie de l'Histoire (pp. 73-87). Paris, France: Vrin.
2016. Kant’s Aesthetic Nonconceptionalism. In D. Schulting (Ed.), Kantian Nonconceptualism. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
2012. ‚The I think must be able to accompany all my representations.’ Kant’s theory of apperception and the unconscious. In M. Sgarbi (Ed.), Kant’s Philosophy of the Unconscious (pp. 37-59). Berlin/New York, De Gruyter.
2011. Hegel on the Nature of Scepticism. Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain [=Hegel Bulletin], 63, 80-99.
2010. Epistemology in German Idealism. In D. Moyar (Ed.), The Routledge Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy (pp. 32-63). New York: Routledge.
2010. Understanding: judgments, categories, schemata, principles. In W. Dudley, K. Engelhard (Ed.), Immanuel Kant: Key Concepts. Durham: Acumen Pub.
2010. Fichte and the Dream Argument. Fichte-Studien, 35, 357-370.
2010. Appearance, Thing-in-Itself, and the Problem of the Skeptical Hypothesis in Kant. In D. Schulting (Ed.), Kant’s Idealism: New Interpretations of a Controversial Doctrine (pp. 195-210). Dordrecht: Springer.
2008. Substance – Subject – System. The Justification of Science in Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit”. In D. Moyar, Quante (Ed.), Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit”. A Critical Guide (pp. 1-20). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511487286.002.
2004. Indexikalität und sprachliche Selbstreferenz bei Hegel. Hegel-Studien, 39/40, 9-24.
2002. Anschauung und Begriff: Ein Begründungsversuch des Stämme-Dualismus in Kants Erkenntnistheorie. In Aufklärungen: Festschrift für Klaus Düsing zum 60. Geburtstag (pp. 65-90). Duncker & Humblot.
2002. Hegel, Sellars und der Mythos des Gegebenen. Hegel-Jahrbuch, 362-368. doi:10.1524/hgjb.2002.4.jg.362
2002. Kann man sagen, was man meint? Untersuchungen zu Hegels „Sinnlicher Gewißheit“. Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, 84, 45-63. doi:10.1515/agph.2002.004
2001. Innerer und äußerer Sinn. Kants Konstitutionstheorie empirischen Selbstbewusstseins. In V. Gerhardt, R.-P. Horstmann, R. Schumacher (Eds.), Kant und die Berliner Aufklärung. Akten des IX. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses Berlin 2000 (pp. 305-313).
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